Orlando's Most Inspirational Chef

When you give to others and expect nothing in return, people truly love you. Of course, if you do this in business, you will be out of business quickly! In this life, EL Chef Efrain has helped many people. He even used to throw events for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital years ago, before a tragic accident.

It seemed that everyone knew this guy! Everywhere that you went, the Hispanic community knew about him. A very large man, that weighed almost 600 pounds at his peak, but he was known for his cooking and compassion. He is also a very spiritual person that knows many people through the churches that he has attended.

Though his food was always loved by everyone that ate at his events and restaurants, his personality was what most people remember. When you go out of your way to smile and make people happy, it will ultimately make you loved and respected. Perhaps that is why he is still around.

In Orlando, he has met many good people over the years, not only in the Hispanic community. He has known many people through Victorio’s Bar and Grill of Wekiwa Springs many years ago.

What makes anyone special? In my opinion, it is attitude. Most people are drawn to others that just have a great outlook on life and attitude. Can you imagine suffering unimaginable pain but you still smile and are friendly to others? That is El Chef Efrain.

Someone that just will not give up no matter what life throws at him. If you truly get to know him, you would not only be inspired, but you will most likely love him like a family member.

If you are a chef, give it your all and things will work out. Show compassion to others and really put some love into your food, and that love will be returned.

Want some food that gets good vibes from its chef? Call EL Chef Efrain and find out what it feels like to feel love in every bite. Find out why he is so liked and loved.


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